Sunday, February 28, 2010

in my siLent sanctuary

i don't like having someone else not as close as my sisters inside my room...
i used to be okay with having to share a room way back in my early college life and then i went and requested to just have my own one...

now that i'm back to being alone, that feeling just intensified...
i only want a space of my own, a silent sanctuary...
i only want the silence and the space to look at me when i'm dressing up...
i only want my stuffs to witness my insanity, my bed to catch my falls...

there's no reason at all for being selfish about sharing it, maybe i am just selfish, period.

but maybe, just maybe you will understand why...

i am silent... i only have this room to keep me sane, calm, and happy...
in this new place, when he is not comforting me, i only have my silent sanctuary to love me...

Sunday, February 21, 2010

forget me not...

jerome and i decided one day to go shopping...
no not for clothes or shoes and fashion stuffs haha..

we were craving for danggit and that tiny dried bolinao... and that dried squid(?).

on our way home we saw these plants for sale and we were so "love-at-first-site" on this sort of purple/lavender/blue-violet flower plant... hehe

and for P15 we undoubtedly bought it...but it never cross our minds to ask what it was called, and so we were calling it "lavender".

we're just so amaze by the color and the way it grows, it opens up flowers almost every day..or so we think it does hehe...

and i just recently saw this sold also here in sm and found that it was really called "forget me not".

i find it so cute...

maybe that is why it doesn't stop growing flowers..
maybe that is why it doesn't stop making us check on it..
maybe that was why it made us stop and bought it in the first place..

it doesn't want to be forgotten. =)